Children's Worship Participation
We strive to enrich our children's Worship programs with extra opportunities to grow their faith. Children's Worship takes place on a Sunday where our regular Worship is led by our Faith Formation classes. Our yearly Christmas pageant is a wonderful event with adults and children age 3 and up partaking.

Family Fun Night
Monthly Activities
Each month we have a family activity our Church family. The aim of this group is to provide a place for our congregation of all ages to meet for a time of shared fellowship. Summer activities range from a watermelon festival to a pet parade. Christmas found us making ornaments and decorating the Church's main Christmas tree. Our main goal is to bring peope of all ages together.

Service Supper Club is for kindergarten-5th graders. Supper Club meets monthly, on Wednesdays from 5:30-7:00 pm for service projects, fun, food, and conversation. Each family takes a turn or two providing dinner throughout the program year. We gather together for dinner and a fun, service related activity!

The Community Church of Mountain Lakes has one combined Youth Group for Junior High & Senior High Youth (6th-12th grade). We meet quarterly for mission and leadership. The focus of our youth group is doing service and developing leadership skills. The group engages in quarterly service projects as well as periodic fun fellowship activities.
In addition to quarterly Youth Group events, we offer 2 overnight programs for our teens:
Appalachian Service Project (ASP) - Each summer we send a group of youth and adults to a part of Appalachia for a summer service experience through Appalachian Service Project. All youth 14+ are invited to attend. Our attendees host a variety of fundraisers, including our ever-popular Soup Sale to raise funds for the trip. For more information on our mission trip, look here.
Camp Bernie Youth Retreat – We take part in a retreat for youth grades 6-12 from local United Church of Christ congregations. It’s a weekend of “epic fun and friendship” that takes place every year in February at the YMCA Camp Bernie in Port Murray, NJ. All Jr. & Sr. High Youth are invited to attend.
Due to COVID-19 this group is not currently meeting in it's regular capacity. Join us for a mindfulness walk instead!